We, GLIN Impact Capital, are delighted to announce our first disclosure statement as attached.
We, GLIN Impact Capital, are delighted to announce our first disclosure statement as attached.
Advisor of Mitsubishi Corporation
Former Executive Officer and CEO of the Natural Gas Group of Mitsubishi Corporation, Jun spent many years in the energy business, especially in the development and operation of LNG projects. As a core member of the Mitsubishi Corporation EX (Energy Transition) Committee, he led the next generation energy business and carbon credit business. He was the first Leaders Council member of Breakthrough Energy Catalyst. He has served as a member of the Resources and Fuels Subcommittee of the Energy Agency, a board member of the Petroleum and Mining Industry Federation, and a member of the JOGMEC Security Advisory Committee. He is a visiting researcher at The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan.
Jun Nishizawa
元三菱商事常務執行役員・天然ガスグループCEO。エネルギービジネス(特にLNG事業の開発・操業)に長年従事。三菱商事EX(Energy Transition)委員会の中心メンバーとして次世代エネルギー事業やカーボンクレジット事業を牽引。 Breakthrough Energy Catalystの初代Leaders Councilメンバー。エネ庁資源・燃料分科会委員、石油鉱業連盟理事、JOGMECセキュリティーアドバイザリー委員などを歴任。日本エネルギー経済研究所客員研究員。
Mako Egawa
Kazunori Nakatsuka
2014年より株式会社QUICK ESG研究所にて、ESGコンサルティング事業の立ち上げに携わる。 2015年、GPIFより受託した「年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人におけるスチュワードシップ責任及び ESG 投資のあり方についての調査研究業務」におけるプロジェクトマネジャーを務める。以降、未上場企業、投資家を含め100社以上のESG戦略構築を支援。金融庁、日本証券アナリスト協会、グローバルコンパクトネットワークジャパンほか、運用会社、企業、大学などでの講演多数。東京理科大学理工学部経営工学部卒(’90)同修士課程修了(’92)
Yusuke Umezawa
In 2014, Kazunori was involved in the launch of the ESG consulting business at QUICK ESG Research Institute, Inc. In 2015, he served as project manager for the “Research and Study on Stewardship Responsibility and ESG Investment of the Government Pension of Investment Fund (GPIF)”. Since then, he has assisted more than 100 companies, including unlisted companies and investors, in developing ESG strategies. He has given numerous lectures at the Financial Services Agency, the Securities Analysts Association of Japan, Global Compact Network Japan, as well as at investment management companies, corporations, and universities. Graduated from Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Management Engineering Bachelor’s Degree(’90), Master’s Degree (’92).
Impact/ESG themes of interest: children’s rights, water, impact investing
Operation Team
After engaging in individual sales at Nomura Securities, Mako worked at Recruit Marketing Partners (now Recruit Holdings), where she gained a wide range of experience in HR/organizational development, including HR planning, labor relations, organizational revitalization, and work style reform. Later, she led the development of back office structure and preparing for IPO at a domestic start-up from seed to IPO preparation stage, and joined GLIN in 2024.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: Well-being, healthcare, climate change/nature loss
Yusuke worked at the government office where he was engaged in project development and analysis of environmental policies. He led assessment of environmental pollution control and environmental impact assessment as well as industrial waste management policies and DX promotion. He joined GLIN in 2024.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: climate change countermeasures, circular economy.
Growth Partner
Yosuke worked at EY Japan where he engaged in HR and organizational consulting to promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Subsequently, at Accenture’s Health and Public Service team, he worked on policy recommendations for ESG investment for G20 countries. To deepen his knowledge in impact and ESG investment, Yosuke studied at the MIT Sloan School of Management and joined GLIN in 2021.
Expertise: Impact/ESG investment, value creation including formulation of sustainability strategy.
Impact/ESG themes: DE&I, wellbeing.
Yosuke Tamura
EY JapanにてDE&I推進を主眼においた人事・組織コンサルティングチームの立ち上げ、プロジェクト推進に従事。その後、アクセンチュア医療・公共サービスチームにて、G20諸国へのESG投資の政策提言などに従事。インパクト/ESG投資の知見を深めるべくマサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)経営大学院に留学、2021年GLINに参画。
Masato worked at Mitsubishi Corporation, developing new businesses in the AI/IoT New Business Development team and exploring investments in high-growth startups. At Harvard Business School, he served as President of the Impact Investment Club and collaborated with the Acumen Fund. In 2020, he founded GLIN.
Expertise: Impact/ESG investment, evaluation, and value creation.
Impact/ESG themes: Exploring the intersection between economy and society, addressing income inequality, and environmental concerns.
Masato Nakamura
三菱商事にて貿易事業、インドネシア駐在を経て、AI/IoT関連新規事業立ち上げやスタートアップへの協業・投資検討に従事。インパクト投資を学ぶためハーバード・ビジネス・スクールに留学、学内インパクト投資クラブの代表や、Acumen Fundにてインパクト投資の経験を積む。2020年にGLINを創業。
投資チーム マネージャー
Ryo Kawashima
日興アセットマネジメントで中小型株アナリスト(IPO含む)およびファンドマネージャー(L/O・L/S戦略)。Wharton Schoolインパクト投資プログラムMIINT修了。欧州起業プログラムや米Techスタートアップ共同創業を経験。IE Business School MBA(IE Fellow)。日本証券アナリスト協会認定アナリスト。
Investment Team Manager
(At METI on secondment)
Ryo has worked as a small and mid-cap equity analyst and fund manager (L/O&L/S) for Nikko Asset Management. He completed MIINT, the Wharton School’s Impact Investing Program, and co-founded a US Tech start-up. He obtained his MBA at IE Business School with honors as an IE Foundation Fellow. He is an accredited analyst with the SAAJ.
Areas of expertise: Impact investing, consulting.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: Closing the wealth gap, Education, Well-being, Quantification of non-financial values, Corporate value-up.
Miharu Takeuchi
Ulysses Aoki
EY Japanにてサステナビリティコンサルティング事業立ち上げ、人権方針策定や人権デューデリジェンス、持続可能な調達の初動に貢献、多くの企業を支援。2021年よりSpiber Inc.のサステナビリティと長期戦略を担う。サステナビリティの専門家として国連機関、NGO、官公庁での講師を多数経験。2023年にGLINに参画。
Hanna Otani
Yuki Nakao
Mai Ichikawa
Daiki Yoshioka
関心の強いインパクト/ESGテーマ:DE&I (特にLGBTQ+)、ウェルビーイング
Miharu graduated from the Sociology Department of Tokyo University, as a recipient of the Best Thesis Award (Krone Prize), for her research on the social participation of women university graduates. Later, she joined Circulation Co., Ltd. where she spearheaded diverse consulting projects encompassing new business development, recruitment, and marketing for BtoC enterprises. She led company-wide Public Relations since six months before the company’s listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market. Miharu joined GLIN in 2024.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: DE&I, Health Disparities/Wage Gaps, Elimination of external diseconomies, Value creation
Ulysses worked at EY Japan where he helped build the sustainability team, serving as a catalyst to grow the sustainability market in Japan. He joined Spiber Inc. in 2021 as the head of long-term strategy. As a sustainability professional, he strives to promote business and human rights and sustainable supply chain agendas. He joined GLIN in 2023.
Expertise: Value creation, sustainability strategy, human rights.
Impact/ESG themes: Human rights, well-being, value chain impacts.
After completing her master’s at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Hanna joined the Nippon Foundation where she managed projects in education, upskilling, and peace building in Southeast Asia. She later joined McKinsey where she created and implemented long-term strategy for value creation and DE&I in consumer, retail, life science companies and the public sector. Hanna joined GLIN in 2023.
Areas of expertise: sustainability strategy & development.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: Education, DE&I, wellbeing.
After completing her master’s degree at the Graduate School of Public Policy at UTokyo, Yuki worked at SDG Partners as a ESG strategy consultant. At PwC Advisory, she experienced projects in M&A advisory, ESG strategy and value creation model, human rights due diligence for supply chains, and pre-M&A ESG due diligence. Yuki joined GLIN in 2023.
Areas of expertise: ESG strategy, ESG due diligence and valuation, human rights
Impact/ESG themes of interest: Quantification of non-financial values, DE&I, human rights
Senior Associate
After completing her master’s degree at the Graduate School of Public Policy at UTokyo, Mai worked at the MOFA Japan where she was engaged in international negotiations related to the COP on climate change. At an ESG consulting firm, she experienced projects such as improving ESG assessment and TCFD/scenario analysis. Mai joined GLIN in 2023.
Areas of expertise: ESG strategy, ESG value creation.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: Environmental issues, Quantification of non-financial values, Scenario planning.
After graduating from Binghamton University, Daiki joined AlphaSights to support management consulting firms and impact investment firms. He also supported the management and operation for a Tokyo-based NPO that supports LGBTQ+ community in Japan. Afterwards, Daiki joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Touche LLC and offered ESG advisory services. He joined GLIN in 2023.
Areas of expertise: Impact-weighted accounts, sustainability strategy.
Impact/ESG themes of interest: DE&I (especially LGBTQ+), wellbeing
Masahiro worked at Mitsubishi Corporation where he engaged in business turnaround and gained overseas experience in Brazil. At Harvard Business School he deepened his knowledge in impact/ESG investment and worked at Anzu Partners and JAFCO, investing in startups and growth-stage firms. He founded GLIN in 2020.
Expertise: Impact/ESG investment, evaluation, and value creation.
Impact/ESG themes: Climate change, opportunity gap, building an ecosystem for impact investment.
Masahiro Hata
三菱商事にて事業会社の経営再建、ブラジル駐在を経験。サステナブルファイナンスに興味を持ち、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールに留学。インパクト/ESG投資に関する知見を深め、またAnzu Partners(米国VC)やJAFCOでスタートアップ・グロース投資の経験を積む。2020年にGLINを創業。
Arisa has been involved in research and training projects related to impact investing and philanthropy in Japan and the United States at institutions such as Indiana University School of Philanthropy, the Social Innovation and Investment Foundation (SIIF), the Social Impact Management Initiative (SIMI), and the Sagamore Institute. Previously, she spent eight years in the U.K., where she worked for Storm Research Limited, an independent public equity research firm, conducting research on small and mid-cap stocks in Japan.
Brian Trelstad is a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School, where his teaching and research focuses on social entrepreneurship, systems change, impact investing, and the role of business in society. Brian is also a Partner and Board Member at Bridges Fund Management, an impact investing fund that invests in health, education, and environmental services business. Prior to Bridges, Brian was the Chief Investment Officer of Acumen, where he oversaw investments in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Vikram Gandhi is a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School. Vikram is the Founder of Asha Impact, an impact-oriented venture capital firm and is also a Senior Advisor to The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. He is also a member of the Business Administration Advisory Board at University of the People and a member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and has been a part of the New York, Hong Kong and Mumbai chapters. In his vast career, he spent a total of 23 years in investment banking at Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse.
Shawn Cole is a professor at Harvard Business School (HBS), where he teaches and conducts research on financial services, social enterprise, and impact investing. Before joining the HBS, he worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the economic research department. He has served on the Boston Federal Reserve’s Community Development Research Advisory Council, as well as on the Gates Foundation, and was the chair of the endowment management committee of the Telluride Association.
Growth Partner
Tsuyoshi began his career at JP Morgan followed by PwC Sustainability where he supported Japanese corporates with their sustainability initiatives. After graduating from Harvard Graduate School of Education, he served as the Country Manager of Saturday Kids Japan, a programming school for kids. He was previously the Director of Global Business Development at Wonderfy before joining GLIN in 2023.
Expertise: Sustainability strategy and impact-weighted accounting.
Impact/ESG themes: Education
Sadaharu gained global marketing and social impact marketing experiences at Dentsu. After working abroad in India, he studied impact/ESG investment at Harvard Business School while working with Omidyar-affiliated VC firms in Washington, D.C., and Kenya. After graduating with distinction, he joined McKinsey and later founded GLIN.
Expertise: Impact/ESG investment, evaluation, and value creation.
Impact/ESG themes: Addressing the wealth gap and supporting businesses with high additionality.
Arisa Miyakozawa
HBSの上級講師として、Social Entrepreneurship(社会起業家)のクラスを立上げ、指導を行う。インパクト投資、社会起業論、インパクトスタートアップを中心に教育・研究に従事。世界のインパクト投資プラクティスをリードするインパクト投資ファンドであるBridges Fund Managementのパートナー兼取締役。Bridges以前は、Acumen Fundの創業期から合計18年間CIO(最高投資責任者)として、世界のインパクト投資の黎明期を築いた。
HBSの上級講師として、Shawn Cole教授と共にインパクト/ESG投資のクラスを立上げ、指導を行う。インパクト志向のベンチャーキャピタルであるAsha Impactの創設者としてファンド運営も行う。その他、カナダ年金投資委員会の上級顧問、University of the Peopleの経営管理諮問委員会のメンバー、Young Presidents Organization(YPO)のメンバーとして、ニューヨーク、香港、ムンバイの各支部に所属。職務経験としてはMorgan StanleyとCredit Suisseで合計23年間、投資銀行業務に従事。
Tsuyoshi Domoto
Sadaharu Saiki
電通にて自動車会社の海外マーケティング、自治体のインパクトマーケティングを担当した後、インド駐在を経て、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールに留学。インパクト/ESG投資を学びつつ、米国Omidyar Network系列VCやケニア日系VCでも経験を積む。Distinctionで卒業後、McKinseyを経て、GLINを創業。
David Freiberg
David is a founding member of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative (IWAI) and leader of impact-weighted accounting services at EY CCaSS. He has extensive experience in implementing IWAI for companies and investors worldwide. David played key roles in developing impact and ESG services at top consulting, legal, and audit firms, including KKS Advisors and Paul, Weiss, where he helped establish “Sustainability & ESG” and “Civil Rights & Racial Equity Audits” practice groups.
During her Bachelors’ at Aoyama Gakuin University, Rina engaged in product development and sales strategy with Mitsubishi Corporation through her studies. She became interested in sustainability and marketing, and has worked as a reporter for the TV Tokyo economic program, interviewing executives of Japanese companies. Also served as a moderator for METI events and as a member of the Impact Shift Executive Committee.
After an internship at a VC firm, she joined GLIN as a new graduate in 2024.
Impact/ESG themes of interest:DE&I, apparel GX , supply chain, reducing inequality, wellbeing
Rina Suzuki
関心の強いインパクト/ESGテーマ:DE&I、アパレルGX 、サプライチェーン、格差是正、ウェルビーイング
ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールのインパクト加重会計イニシアチブ(IWAI)の創設メンバー。企業や投資家へのIWAI手法の導入支援や、コンサルティングファーム、法律事務所、監査法人におけるインパクト/ESGサービス開発を主導。EY CCaSS(気候変動・サステナビリティサービス)では、インパクト加重会計領域をリードしている。以前は、KKSアドバイザーズでインパクト・サービス、ポール・ワイスで「サステナビリティ&ESG」と「公民権&人種平等監査」のプラクティスの発展に貢献した。