


We offer top-tier consulting services to our clients through our With an highly experienced team, synergies between investment and consulting team, and a flexible and agile approachorganizational structure, we offer top-tier consulting services to our clients.


Our team comprises seasoned professionals with diverse careers in the sustainability sector since its inception. Through our connections with pioneers of ESG/impact management such as Harvard Business School and rule-makers like the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment, we continually acquire the latest knowledge.


As GLIN has an investment teamengages in investment ventures, we provide essential advice and inputs based on experience and facts, focusing on enhancing businesscorporate value through sustainability management from both advisory and investor perspectives.

Flexibility & Agility

As a small team with quick decision-making capabilities, we can flexibly adjust consulting services schedules and scopes. We propose issue-based support tailored to our clients’ management challenges, unconstrained by existing service packages.


We support a wide range of initiatives to support strategy and evaluation for impact and sustainability of companies. Our support ranges from such asfrom sustainability strategy formulation, to evaluation of ing the sustainability of target companies, as well as aiming to create long-term value for both stakeholders and shareholders. We provide a wide range of support from ESG due diligence, which evaluates the sustainability response of companies in which we invest, to impact due diligence, which evaluates the return on the social value generated by a company.

Sustainability Management Strategy

We assist in formulating sustainability strategies that lead to long-term value creation for both stakeholders and shareholders through action plan development to achieve sustainability goals.

Materiality Assessment

By conducting activities such as identifying issues, engaging with stakeholders, and evaluating the financial impact of materiality options, we support the development of materiality strategies that contribute to medium- to long-term business value enhancement while considering company resources, ESG information disclosure, and rating status.

Human Capital Management

We develop human capital management strategies aligned with 3-5-year medium- to long-term business plans by pursuing strategies and measures that balance achieving business outcomes desired by investors and executives while meeting the needs and respecting the rights of employees.

ESG/Impact Due Diligence (DD)

In ESG DD, we investigate the sustainability responses of target companies and identify risks and opportunities that influence corporate value. In Impact DD, we analyze the social value return generated through investments.


We support sustainability transformation (SX) tailored to each company’s situations by creating necessary initiatives, providing support for execution, and building monitoring systems to realize sustainability strategies.

Responses to Climate Change

We cover a wide range of areas from GHG emission calculation, formulation and execution of reduction targets and transition plans, to information disclosure, supporting climate change responses aligned with each company’s business model and available resources.

“Business and Human Rights” Initiatives

We provide support ranging from formulating “human rights policies” to practical assistance required as part of “business and human rights” initiatives based on international standards.

Building Sustainable Supply Chains

We support the execution of supply chain management that contributes to enhancing corporate value by analyzing risks and opportunities in the current supply chain, formulating policies and strategies for sustainable procurement, and providing support for implementation and disclosure.


We support effective information disclosure by companies to their stakeholders. This transparency enables companies to communicate how their efforts to address ESG issues contribute to sustainable growth and long-term corporate value creation.

Impact-weighted Accounting (IWA)

IWA is an accounting method for monetizing a company’s social impact. We support the introduction of impact-weighted accounting in collaboration with professors from Harvard Business School.

Support for Integrated Reporting

We support the creation of integrated reports and sustainability reports by analyzing the relationship between financial and non-financial factors that determine a company’s performance.

International Standard and Rating Compliance

We support information disclosure based on major disclosure guidelines such as SASB and GRI which are updated daily.

MSCI/FTSE Rating Support

Based on ESG ratings from organizations such as MSCI/FTSE, which are gaining credibility and importance among institutional investors, we provide support for disclosure and propose measures.