Report of “Sustainability Dedicated Professionals from Unicorn Companies Discuss Impact Startups Today” 

TBM Corporation, which was selected as a “J-Startup Impact” for its impact IPO focus, and GLIN, an impact investment and sustainability/impact consulting firm, held an event on March 14, 2024 (Thursday) to further revitalize the impact startup industry in Japan. 

A panel discussion was held on the theme of “Impact Startups Today: Sustainability Experts from Unicorn Companies” and a networking session was held to create an opportunity for information exchange among impact-oriented stakeholders. We hope that the day was a great opportunity for the participants to deepen their understanding of impact.

GLIN will continue to hold various events and seminars to revitalize the impact industry. Event information is also distributed through our newsletter from time to time. We look forward to your registration.

Event report:

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